
Shoes displayed on are listed in British or European sizes. To convert them to your local sizes please use the chart below. These conversions are for guidance only and may vary by manufacturer.

235421Shop size
2.535.54.521.5Shop size
335.54.521.5Shop size
3.536.55.522.5Shop size
437623Shop size
4.537.56.523.5Shop size
538724Shop size
5.538.57.524.5Shop size
639825Shop size
6.539.58.525.5Shop size
740926Shop size
7.540.59.526.5Shop size
8411027Shop size
8.541.510.527.5Shop size
9421128Shop size
9.542.511.528.5Shop size
10431229Shop size
10.543.512.529.5Shop size