
Chiropody Advice

“Increasing awareness of foot care”

Pavers Shoes and the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, the professional association and trade union for registered chiropodists and podiatrists in the United Kingdom, share a common issue in relation to relieving foot problems for those people who suffer pain and discomfort with their feet.

Together, we have come up with several topics that provide general foot health advice for everyone including children, diabetics and sports enthusiasts.

Pavers Shoes offer a wide range of FlyFlot products, well-known for delivering premium comfort to our customers.

The Fly Flot sole is pre-formed to the natural foot anatomy, ensuring proper support giving you maximum comfort.

The sole will permanently mould to the natural shape of your foot so you get a personal fit for added comfort.

The design of the Fly Flot sole gives effective protection from the impact of walking. Saving your back, knees, hips and spine.

The leather is treated with a permanent anti-bacterial solution, reducing foot odour and keeping your feet fresh and healthy.

» Painful Feet / Blisters?

If your feet hurt, something is wrong. In this case we recommend that you visit a podiatrist, who will advise you on the best course of treatment. You can also prevent foot problems before they occur by having a regular foot health check with your local podiatrist. Your podiatrist will advise on how to keep your feet healthy and in top condition. Also take your shoes with you for specific advice on footwear.


Blisters are painful, fluid-filled lesions produced by friction and pressure. They can be caused by the following:

  • Ill-fitting and stiff shoes
  • Wrinkled socks against the skin
  • Excessive moisture and foot deformities

How to prevent blisters

  • Keep your feet dry
  • Always wear socks as a cushion between your feet and shoes
  • Wear properly fitting shoes

If a blister does occur, do not pop it. Cut a hole in a 1.5” piece of foam or felt, forming a ‘doughnut’ over the blister; tape the foam or felt in place or cover with a soft gel-type dressing. Treat an open blister with mild soap and water; cover it with an antiseptic ointment and protective soft gel dressing to prevent infection and speed up the healing process.

If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist.

» Wearing high heels - a few words of wisdom for you & your feet

‘High’ heels can become ‘killer’ heels causing problems ranging from blisters, corns and calluses to serious foot, knee and back pain. But as they’re a party essential, rather than wagging the finger in caution, we are offering words of wisdom to help you and your feet:

  • Keep high heels for special occasions
  • Wearing high heels will cause you to throw weight onto the ball of the foot, which may lead to callus, painful bunions, corns and deformity
  • It will also push the center of mass in the body forwards, causing the spine to bend backwards to compensate, which can lead to back problems
  • Save backless high-heeled shoes for evening glamour - backless shoes force your toes to claw as you walk, straining the muscles if worn over a long period
  • The position of the foot in the shoe, and an often-narrow heel width can cause the ankle to become unstable, resulting in ankle sprains
  • The calf muscle may shorten and tighten - wearing high heels for long periods (more than six months) may cause the calf muscle to become shortened all the time. The body compensates for this tightness in the calf-muscle by lowering the arch of the foot, or affecting the knee, hip or back
  • Calf stretches help to keep feet supple and keep a good range of movement. To stretch your calf and heel, stand facing a wall with feet hip width apart and slightly bent at the knee. Take one step forwards, and using your arms to lean against the wall, keep your leg in front bent and the leg behind straight. Both feet should be flat on the ground. Lean in towards the wall, as you do, you should feel your muscles stretching in your calf and heel. Hold for about 20 seconds and slowly return to a standing position. Do this with each leg about 5 times.
  • Vary shoe types and heel heights from day to day, one-day wearing low heels, and the next day slightly higher heels. For everyday use, keep heel heights to about 4cm.
  • If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist

» Exercise

Exercising regularly is a great thing: it’s enjoyable, good for our health, our mind and recommended by medical professionals everywhere. But it does demand a lot of our feet, so we need to take extra care of them. You can look after your feet easily by following these simple rules:

  • Condition yourself gradually with stretching exercises before starting any activity and remember to cool down
  • Wash your feet every day, and dry thoroughly, especially between the toes
  • Wear only good-quality, well-fitting socks
  • Always use the correct shoe for each exercise, from walking to running
  • Get in shape. Being overweight or out of shape places added stress on the feet
  • If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist

» Be good to your feet/socks

Trim toenails regularly with proper nail clippers. If you can see and reach your feet cut them after a bath when the toe nails are softer. Remember to cut them following the shape of the toe, and not too short as this can lead to ingrowing nails. Do not pick or tear nails. File them, if that is easier.

  • Keep feet warm and exercise to improve circulation, muscle tone and tone up the calf muscles
  • Following a daily routine to keep your feet clean and free from infection will help prevent potential foot problems. You should also make sure your footwear fits well and doesn't put pressure on or rub any part of your foot
  • Any minor cuts or abrasions should be covered with a clean dry dressing, and blisters should be left to dry out on their own. If they burst, apply a clean dry dressing, but do not burst them yourself. Seek professional treatment if they do not heal quickly. Wounds (sometimes called ulcers) should be assessed and treated as a matter of urgency within 24 hours, especially if there is redness or swelling around the area, or were you have previously been warned to seek immediate attention
  • To keep corns and hard skin under control use a foot file, emery board or pumice stone. Don’t cut corns for yourself, or apply ‘over the counter’ lotions or acids unless prescribed by your Podiatrist or Healthcare Practitioner. If you have previously been advised that you can use ‘over the counter’ lotions check each year that this is still okay
  • If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist


Good socks will not only help keep your feet comfortable within your shoes but will also keep them dry by drawing moisture away from the feet. Whatever you do, don’t wear 100% cotton socks - they hold the moisture against the skin, causing painful blistering. Wool and silk are often found blended with the latest generation of synthetic materials. If you find wool too warm or irritating, you could try an acrylic blended sock.

Socks made with new materials such as CoolMax or DriMax are designed to wick sweat away from the skin, keeping it nice and dry.

» Tired Feet

If your feet feel really tired after a long day, take it easy for 10 minutes and sit with them up. Sitting with your feet up for 10 minutes helps circulation. Also perform the following three foot exercises whilst you have your feet up:

  1. Circle your feet ten times in each direction, keeping your legs as still as possible
  2. Consciously straighten your toes and wriggle them around
  3. Raise, point, then curl your toes for five seconds each, repeat ten times – this is particularly good for toe cramps or hammer toes

If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist.

» Foot Odor?

A study has shown that the smell most likely to get us down is whiffy feet. The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists says “wearing the same shoes each day transfers decomposing bacteria on to your feet, so don’t wear the same pair of shoes each day”.

Top tips

  • The best type of shoe to combat foot odour is one that will help keep the foot well ventilated
  • If your feet smell, wash them using an antibacterial soap
  • If this doesn‘t work - see a podiatrist for advice
  • If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist

» Top tips for healthy working feet

  • Wear shoes that are appropriate for your job and suitable for your work conditions
  • If you must wear high heels, stick to a heel height of around 4cm for everyday shoes and stretch your calf and heel muscles daily to keep feet supple
  • Always wear comfortable footwear that fits you – if in doubt, ask for a proper fitting
  • Vary your heel heights from day to day
  • Wear shoes with a strap or lace over the instep rather than slip-ons. This will help stop your foot sliding forward, a bit like a seatbelt in a car
  • Adopt a regular foot care regime to keep your feet in tip-top condition
  • Make regular visits to a podiatrist to keep your feet in good health
  • If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist

» How to look after your feet when playing sport

As in all aspects of foot care, prevention is the key. You can look after your feet easily by following these simple rules:

  • Condition yourself gradually with stretching exercises for fifteen to twenty minutes before starting any activity, and remember to cool down
  • Wash your feet every day, and dry thoroughly especially between the toes
  • Wear only good-quality, well-fitting socks. Always use the correct shoe for each sport and surface
  • Get in shape. Being overweight or out of shape places added stress on the feet

What if I have an injury?

  • Rest is best for minor injuries. You can then gradually return to exercise when any pain or discomfort has gone. If there are any cuts, wash them and cover with a clean dressing. Leave blisters unopened, if possible. I.C.E. – ice, compression and elevation – helps with most minor sprains and strains
  • If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist

» Maternity footwear advice

During pregnancy women buy maternity clothes to fit their changing body shape but very often neglect to think about new footwear. Take into account the following factors when deciding which shoes to wear.

  • Avoid high heels because they put pressure on the ball of the foot, causing you to lean further back
  • Avoid wearing completely flat shoes, such as flip flops
  • Choose shoes that shoes support your feet
  • The ideal footwear for pregnant women is a pair of good running shoes made from a breathable fabric
  • If you have a problem with your feet, seek advice from a podiatrist